Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Hepatitis essays

Hepatitis essays Hepatitis is caused by a virus that is targeted at the liver, one of your most important organs!! Specifically, it causes inflammation and injury to the liver. Hepatitis comes in many different forms, five to be exact. There is Hepatitis A, B, C, D Hepatitis A is also very common in developing nations. Outbreaks occur due to unsanitary conditions such as contamination of the food and water supply. The Liver: The liver is an organ which is located upper right part of your abdomen. It has one main function. This function is to clean out your blood. How this happens is from your inferior venacava, there is a group if veins called the mesenteric veins. They branch off and take dirty blood to your liver to be cleaned. Now, when the virus moves in and stops the liver from doing its job, just imagine all the toxins and unwanted waste and chemicals that build up in your body.!! Causes: Hepatitis A is transmitted almost always by the fecal oral route. It is spread by close personal contact with fecally contaminated water supplies, fruits and vegetables. Poor personal hygiene promotes spread of the virus as well which is why the incidence of Hepatitis is higher in developing nations, where poor sanitary conditions exist. It can also be transmitted by raw or partially cooked clams from contaminated water. Properties of the virus: The hepatitis A virus is a non - enveloped 27 nano meters in size, virus. It is characterized as a RNA based virus. Inactivation of viral activity can be achieved by heating to 100 C fo ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

8 opciones visa trabajo o green card para profesionales

8 opciones visa trabajo o green card para profesionales Una pregunta comà ºn que se hacen los profesionales extranjeros es cà ³mo emigrar legalmente a los Estados Unidos. La respuesta es que depende de varios factores, como las caracterà ­sticas del profesionales y de quà © papeles puede obtener. En la mayorà ­a de los casos es necesario el patrocinio por parte de una empresa estadounidense. Adems, es la empresa quien decide si patrocina una tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, o si por el contrario solicita los papeles de una visa de trabajo temporal. En este artà ­culo se explican 4 caminos hacia la green card por razà ³n de trabajo y 4 otros para una visa de trabajo. Adems, se finaliza con recomendaciones que deben tenerse en cuenta si se desea iniciar una nueva vida en los Estados Unidos. 8 caminos para emigrar legalmente a los Estados Unidos   1. La categorà ­a EB-1, que permite obtener la tarjeta de residencia. Est pensada para 3 subcategorà ­as. En primer lugar, los profesionales con habilidades extraordinarias en las Ciencias, las Artes, la Educacià ³n, los Negocios o Deportes. En segundo lugar, profesores universitarios o investigadores excepcionales y, en tercer lugar, para algunos tipos de gerentes y managers de compaà ±Ãƒ ­as extranjeras que estn trabajando en los Estados Unidos. En el caso de profesionales con habilidades extraordinarias no necesitan patrocinio de ninguna empresa. Son difà ­ciles de obtener los papeles por esta circunstancia y las peticiones se niegan en ms de 1 de cada 3 casos. Por el contrario, en las otras 2 subcategorà ­as debern tener, en la mayorà ­a de los casos, un patrocinador. En la subcategorà ­a de profesores e investigadores ms del 90 por ciento de las peticiones son aprobadas. 2. La categorà ­a EB-2. Est pensada, por un lado, para personas con una habilidad excepcional en las Ciencias, las Artes o los Negocios o, por otro, para extranjeros con un tà ­tulo de maestrà ­a o superior o su equivalente, es decir, licenciatura ms 5 aà ±os de experiencia. Cada aà ±o se pueden aprobar un mximo de 144,951 visas de inmigrante en esta categorà ­a. 3. La categorà ­a EB-3 que contempla 3 posibilidades, que siempre exigen patrocinio por parte de una empresa de Estados Unidos. En primer lugar, trabajadores con habilidades, es decir, con al menos 2 aà ±os de experiencia laboral. En segundo lugar, profesionales con al menos licenciatura y, en tercer lugar, otros trabajadores que deben tener al menos entrenamiento o experiencia en el trabajo por 2 aà ±os. Bajo la EB-3 pueden emigrar los trabajadores que no tienen cabida en las categorà ­as EB-1 y EB-2.   Cada aà ±o fiscal se pueden aprobar un mximo de 144,951 visas para esta categorà ­a, no permitià ©ndose que ms de 10,000 se adjudiquen a la subcategorà ­a de otros trabajadores. 4. La categorà ­a EB-4 para obtener la green card. Aplica a  un conglomerado de situaciones distintas que van desde trabajadores religiosos a mà ©dicos, funcionarios de organizaciones internacionales, trabajadores del Canal de Panam o de la OTAN o traductores afganos o iraquà ­es que han ayudado a las tropas de Estados Unidos. 5. La visa de trabajo temporal H-1B. Es de doble intencià ³n, esto es, permite buscar activamente el cambio a una tarjeta de residencia. Est pensada para profesionales y es muy utilizada por empleados de empresas tecnolà ³gicas, pero no est restringida a ellos. Estas son las 100 empresas que ms visas H-1B patrocinaron en el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal. 6. La visa de trabajo temporal L-1 y L-2 para gerentes y ejecutivos de multinacionales que son transferidos a los Estados Unidos. Al igual que sucede con la visa H-1B, este visado es de doble intencià ³n. 7. Visa O para extranjeros con habilidades extraordinarias. 8. Visa TN para profesionales mexicanos y canadienses en virtud de la aplicacià ³n del Tratado de Libre Comercio o NAFTA, por su siglas en inglà ©s. Cmo se cambia una visa de trabajo temporal por una tarjeta de residencia? La respuesta es siguiendo uno de los caminos previstos por la ley para obtener la green card. En la prctica en la mayorà ­a de los casos tiene lugar mediante el patrocinio por parte de una empresa o bien por peticià ³n de un familiar. Por ejemplo, el cà ³nyuge si es que el trabajador extranjero se casa con un ciudadano estadounidense o con un residente permanente legal. Otras opciones posibles para sacar la green card o visas que permiten trabajar Cuando las posibilidades anteriores no estn al alcance de la mano, el sistema migratorio de los Estados Unidos contempla ms categorà ­as de visas de trabajo, pero las arriba mencionadas son las pensadas para profesionales.   Adems, hay visas que no son de trabajo pero que permiten trabajar, como por ejemplo, las de intercambio o las de inversià ³n. Incluso en algunas circunstancias, la visa de estudiante. En todo caso est terminantemente prohibido trabajar con visa de turista o cuando se entra sin visado por pertenecer a un paà ­s en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Es una violacià ³n migratoria que puede dar lugar a una deportacià ³n o a la cancelacià ³n de la visa. Es tambià ©n muy importante destacar que cada visa tiene sus propias peculiaridades, desde requisitos, a tiempo de tramitacià ³n o costos y que no conviene confundirlas. Por otro lado, hay ms de 2 docenas de caminos que permiten obtener la green card, aunque lo cierto es que la mayorà ­a de las tarjetas de residencia que se aprueban cada aà ±o tienen su origen en una peticià ³n por parte de un familiar. Pero es interesante familiarizarse con todas las posibilidades, que incluso contemplan un sorteo gratuito de 50,000 green cards, conocido como visa de la diversidad, a la que pueden aplicar cada mes de octubre los ciudadanos de Espaà ±a y tambià ©n de muchos paà ­ses latinoamericanos, aunque no todos. A tener en cuenta antes de hacer las maletas yemigrar Estados Unidos es un paà ­s enorme y extraordinariamente diverso. La experiencia de vivir en Alaska o en Florida son, obviamente muy distintas. Antes de asentarse o al considerar una oferta de trabajo es muy recomendable informarse sobre aspectos como cunto se paga de impuestos en el estado que se est considerando, cules son las coberturas mà ©dicas que brinda la empresa para la que se va a trabajar o cun cara es la ciudad a la que se piensa emigrar. Tambià ©n es importante tener una idea muy clara de cà ³mo obtener los papeles porque una vez que se est como indocumentado en los Estados Unidos puede ser muy difà ­cil regularizar la situacià ³n, lo que da lugar a una vida llena de miedos. Finalmente, si las cosas no se dan para Estados Unidos, considerar otros paà ­ses que tienen la migracià ³n abierta, en particular en el caso de profesionales es buena idea informarse sobre Canad, ya que tiene un sistema federal y de provincias interesante. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Identity Theft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Identity Theft - Essay Example It can start with lost or stolen wallets, stolen mail, a data breach, computer virus, ‘phishing’ scams etc† (ITRC, 2012). In the current scenario, internet is the extensively used medium for such crimes. Hackers globally are carrying out copious activities to steal the identity of persons for their personal goals or for the interests of some other stakeholders who pay them. Identity theft is also carried out by persons due to their personal rivalries and also by some countries against their rival countries. Many countries are engaged in stealing the personal information of the high level officials of other countries in order to maintain their check on the rivals. When it comes to internet and cyber technologies, tactics like computer viruses, hacking computer networks, obtaining the personal information about the victims from social networking sites and using them to figure out their secret codes, observing the victims typing their personal passwords on public syst ems, abducting their personal information from web browser logs using spywares, installing malwares on the victim’s computer, credit card cloning etc. are used for identity theft. The prime reason for why internet identity theft is widely practised by criminals is that they can carry out crimes on some others’ identity or rifle someone’s accounts in a safer way such that it will be not very easy to figure out the real culprits or the person whose identity they have used for conducting the crime. Internet has grown in such a way that people carry out many of their activities like banking, shopping, bill payments etc. through internet. Social networking sites like facebook, twitter, Google plus etc. have become widely societal that they have emanated as a part of the daily lives of the proletariat. Email has outraged the habit of sending written mails from people. Email is today a vital mode of sending messages among persons to organizations to governments. All th ese have set up a platform for the cyber criminals for their easy patrolling on the net and it has become an easy task for hackers to steal the personal information of others. The Internet Crime Complaint Centre of FBI has listed out the current and ongoing internet trends and schemes in carrying out cyber crimes. They are:-auction fraud, auction fraud-Romania, counterfeit cashier’s check, credit card fraud, debt elimination, parcel courier email scheme, employment or business opportunities, escrow services fraud, internet extortion, investment fraud, lotteries, Nigerian letter or ‘419’, phishing or spoofing, ponzi or pyramid, reshipping, spam, third party receiver of funds (Internet Crime Complaint Center, n. d). Kevin J. Connolly (2004, p. 348-49) in his book ‘Internet Security and Privacy’ describes the privacy rights of internet users and the ways to safeguard their private information. He says the primary worry of a person when he browses the in ternet is lack of privacy. Lack of privacy protection can help a stranger to collect information about the consumer’s activities. The user should be aware about the information provided to a website. User should also be aware of the privacy policies of the websites or online services concerned. Connolly (2004, p. 348-49) points out that users often do not care to go through the privacy notices and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

SOCIAL SCIENCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

SOCIAL SCIENCE - Essay Example Traditionally, there were models like biomedical model, which did not consider the human side of a patient. Jewson (1976, p. 235) analysis that in the biomedical model the â€Å"patient† was â€Å"designated a passive and uncritical role in the consultative relationship and his main function† was to â€Å"endure and wait.† According to Doyal (1983, p.31) in the traditional models â€Å"the disease had become more important than the person who harboured it.† However, there has been a shift to models that consider other factors such as social, psychological and environmental in shaping the context of a disease and illness. An example is the bio-psychosocial which has sought to understand medical conditions through the analysis of a variety of factors. The model acknowledges that in a disease context, there are many factors such as behavior and attitude towards the illness, social as well as psychological factors (Engel, 2012). The narratives from the patient s are today extensively applied to explore the patient experiences with illness (Charon 2001; Kleinman 1988). In this case, the awareness of the binary relationship between disease and illness has revolutionarised the medical practice. This is the difference between the biomedical constructs of the pathophysiological processes and individual’s subjective experience of the patient explored in other models that consider disease as a result of myriad factors (Kleinman 1988). The exploration of patient narrative is relevant in the case of diabetes because patients and physicians have different perceptions, concerns and goals (Anderson 1986; Freeman & Loewe 2000). In this assignment, a patient’s story on her experience with diabetes will be explored with an aim to construct the cultural, social and psychological meaning and locate the facts in contemporary theoretical perspectives. The real names

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Luxury Brand Marketing Essay Example for Free

Luxury Brand Marketing Essay While the word ‘luxury’ is used in daily lives to refer to certain lifestyle, the underlying construct’s definition is consumer and situation specific. If you earn less than 15000 a month, a pair of reebok shoes would be a really big luxury item for you. On the other hand, if you are going to a party with some big-wigs a $100,000 car may not be a luxury. The word luxury originates from the Latin term â€Å"luxus† signifying, â€Å"soft or extravagant living, indulgence, sumptuousness or opulence† The meaning of luxury is extremely subjective and multidimensional in nature. It depends on dimension such as high price, high quality, uniqueness, exclusivity etc. What is a luxury product? In economic terms, luxury products are those who can consistently command and justify a higher price than products with comparable functions and similar quality. In marketing term, luxury products are those who can deliver emotional benefits which is hard to match by comparable products. The luxury sector targets its products and services at consumers on the top-end of the wealth spectrum. These self-selected elite are more or less price insensitive and choose to spend their time and money on objects that are plainly opulence rather than necessities. For these reasons, luxury and prestige brands have for centuries commanded an unwavering and often illogical customer loyalty. Luxury and prestige brands such as Rolex, Louis Vuitton and Cartier represent the highest form of craftsmanship and command a staunch consumer loyalty that is not affected by trends. These brands create and set the seasonal trends and are also capable to pulling all of their consumers with them wherever they go. Premium brands are those brands like Polo Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger that aspire to be luxury and prestige brands but their marketing mix strategies are more attuned to a mass market, albeit a luxury mass market. They are also termed as mass-premium brands or mass-luxury brands. Fashion brands on the other hand are those that address the masses. Strategies for Luxury Marketing There are conventional foundations for ensuring success of a brand and they are listed below in brief : 1. The brand must be â€Å"expansive†. Which means it should be full of innovation opportunities for the marketer and in terms of satisfying the divergent needs of the luxury consumer 2. The brand must tell a story It is this story, of either heritage or performance or other aspects that goes on to build the aura of a brand over time. The story always accentuates the identity of the brand. 3. The brand must be relevant to the consumers’ needs Depending upon the mindset of the luxury class, it is imperative for a brand to satisfy those needs, whether they be for recognition or functional use etc. 4. The brand must align with consumers’ values A brand that does not concur with the basic values of a consumer’s society has a small chance of succeeding because luxury items are forms of expression or identification for a luxury consumer. This makes it difficult for the consumer to adopt the brand in such cases. 5. The brand must perform Irrespective of which category the brand belongs to, a performance assurance is a must for the brand if it wishes to be in the evoked set of luxury consumers, considering the price being paid for luxury. LUXURY brand marketing CONCEPTS: Socialite as a Conductor In 2006, when Christian Dior chose Chawla as its spokesperson, everyone was shocked some secretly jealous. Chawlas association: to be the face of the brand, be seen in Dior in the right circles, host events attended by the right people and generally hobnob with the circle that she already moves in. The money details are not clear people in the circuit and in the luxury industry say its part financial, part goodies. But it might be working. Chawla says, Dior has done incredibly well with a consistent rise in sales. It is the most visible brand in India with the highest recall value in terms of marketing strategies implemented. Socialites being signed up for a fashion brand is not new, at least not in the West, says former fashion editor and luxury specialist Sujata Assomull-Sippy. She mentions Armanis 19-year-old association with British semi-royal and socialite Lady Helen Taylor that started when he designed her wedding gown in 1992. The association ended in 2009. Taylor, who was also the face for Bulgari, gave a sigh of relief and was glad to give up her uniform. Six years hence, Chawla is nowhere close to hanging up her Dior couture. The Mohan for Gucci buzz has engendered new aspirations in the circuit that goes beyond the hostess or the grander-sounding luxury consultant tags. The socialite is becoming more important in a luxury brands marketing strategy as she pulls in the right kind of crowd, says Priya Sachdev, creative director for TSG International Marketing that has brought brands like YSL, Diane von Furstenberg to India. Nichevertising Brand consultant and strategist Harish Bijoor of Harish Bijoor Consults loftily terms it nichevertise vs massvertise. According to him the luxury brands are not for mass consumption and shouldnt be mass advertised. The social circuit gives them a fresh channel to reach out to their target audience without any noise. The socialite model of marketing targets the guest lists minus the hard sell, he says. Personal voice- distinct style Every luxury brand needs to develop a marketing strategy that not only helps them achieve their marketing goals, but is also in line with their brand. For example, while it makes sense for Christopher Bailey from Burberry to update the Burberry Facebook page with short videos he makes or music he supports, the same type of strategy might not work for someone like Bentley or Rolex. Bijoor says that for luxury brands, sell is a four-letter word and not just literally and thats why they aim at buy. Luxury brands like to be bought, not sold, he says. Sell is a top-down strategy which involves an element of shout you asking consumers to consider you. Buy, instead, is a pull-oriented strategy. Luxury brands love pull not push, he explains. This is ideal for the socialite marketing where the conversation with the brand is more visual and not aural.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Machiavelli’s The Prince as a Modern Political Guidebook Essay

The Prince as a Modern Political Guidebook       "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Shakespeare, 2 Henry IV 111.1.31) Kingship and leadership is a human concept.   Contraptions and   fiction invented by human beings that hold the fabric of   society together.   It is the job of the leader to make the fiction work for the good of all.   The quote above evokes the overall feeling about kingship held by both Prince Hal and his father in Shakespeare's Henry plays.   Being a leader is perhaps the most difficult position one can ever attain.   And in the same vein that King Henry IV says this above line, so does his son King Henry V offer this lament:      The slave, a member of the country's peace, Enjoys it; but in gross brain little wots What watch the King keeps to maintain the peace, Whose hours the peasant best advantages.   (Henry V:   IV.i 280-4)    Shakespeare was acutely aware that there was little difference between a real king and a player-king.   He gives us Henry V, a prince who knows how to be both.   We see him as a politician dealing with ambassadors and a diplomat dealing with his advisors.   He dispenses justice and mercy.   He must know when to execute traitors and thieves and when to free drunks who insult him in the streets.   He is a warrior and an oratorical wizard.   He inspires courage in the face of desperate circumstances and perhaps most importantly he knows how to seem one thing while he is another.   All these qualities make Hal Shakespeare's quintessential prince and these are the qualities that Niccolo Machiavelli saw as necessities for any "good" leader of a people.        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Prince, written in Florence in the year 1513, by Machiavelli, is one of t... ...cause he didn't teach anything that wasn't already known to powerful leaders.   In fact, in his address to Lorenzo de Medici, as I noted earlier, he states that the conclusions he makes are drawn from his knowledge of history.   Throughout the book he makes references to historical situations and events that employ the very means to political success he describes.   What is great about The Prince is not its original content but that it mirrors the politics of his time as well as our time.   The book is a product of the Italian Renaissance in that it attempts to explain how things really are rather than how they are perceived.    WORKS   CITED Machiavelli, Niccolo.   The Prince.   Trans.   Christian E. Detmold.   New York:   Airmont, 1965. Strauss, Leo.   "Machiavelli the Immoralist."   The Prince:   A Norton Critical Edition.   New York:   W.W. Norton, 1977.   180-185.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Is It Possible to Prove the Existance of God Essay

Is it possible to prove the existence of God? Throughout time many philosophers have been searching for an answer to creation and whether it is actually possible to prove (or not prove) if God exists. Some of the philosophers include Thomas Aquinas, William Paley and Blaise Pascal they came up with various different theories and arguments to prove the existence of God and why they believed he did exist. Another philosopher Karl Marx thought that his theory could convince people not to believe in God. One philosopher, Thomas Aquinas believed that God did exist and that he could prove this simply by arguing that the Universe could not have been made by nothing at all, saying that it was impossible for something to come from nothing. He believed that the universe was caused to exist by something which itself is uncaused, or else there would be an infinite regress. He thought that the only way to explain the start of the universe in a rational way was to say that it was created by God. I think that Aquinas may be right, but I doubt that he is right as he is saying that God was created by nothing but I feel that something must have created God and therefore there must have been an infinite regress. There is also no solid evidence or proof that God does exist and since there isn’t I think that not even Aquinas is 100% sure that God exists. Also, Aquinas’ theory seems rather contradictory as he says that the Universe must be caused by something and cannot just simply be made by nothing but that God is an uncaused causer. Another Philosopher, William Paley, like Aquinas was convinced that God does exist and that he could prove it. Paley ‘invented’ the thought experiment to encourage people to agree with him that God exists. He called his argument that Teleological argument (coming from the Greek word ‘telas’ meaning purpose). Story Imagine you are walking across open countryside with some friends. Then you suddenly come across something lying on the grass. You are so impressed with the workmanship that you are your friend. Who do you think made this watch? † The friend says†Nobody made this watch it was always there† Paley said that the universe, like a watch is too complicated and intelligently designed to have no creator. Paley used the Analogy of the watch to argue the existence of God. Paley argues that if a simple watch has a creator then the universe, which is so much more complicated and in some ways more beautiful than a watch must have a creator and that creator must be God. I think that Paley’s theory does seem reasonable but I do not fully agree with it completely. I think that the world must have a creator but not necessarily God anything could have been the creator and that the creator might not be Omnipotent, Omnibonevelant and Omniscient the creator could have simply just created the universe and then just left it or done nothing else to it. Another philosopher who also likes Aquinas and Paley ‘believed’ in God and thought that he could use his theory to encourage others to do so was Blaise Pascal. However, Pascal’s theory was very different to Aquinas and Paley’s. Pascal believed that God’s existence can neither be approved nor disapproved and whatever you decide about this problem will be uncertain and that your answer can be nothing more than a gamble. Pascal said that you cannot avoid making a gamble on God’s existence and you have to place your bet whether you like it or not. Pascal soon came to the conclusion that it would be better to believe that God existed than not to as you will not lose anything by doing so. He thought that if you believed that God existed and then after your death he actually did you would have a big gain by going to heaven. If, however God didn’t exist and you believed that you did you would not lose anything apart from some of your time praying and going to religious places etc. Pascal also thought that if you did not believe in God and came to know after your death that he did you would be most likely to go to hell therefore have a big loss. He called his theory Pascal’s wager. I strongly disagree with Pascal’s theory mainly because he only believed in God for selfish reasons and wanted people to believe in God only because of the happiness they would get in heaven which is not the actual idea. Also I think that God does not decide to put people in heaven and hell based on whether they believe or not but by the good deeds they have done in their life, so people who believe in God just for reasons like Pascal’s probably would not go to heaven anyway. I think that Pascal seems rather greedy to believe in God just to go to heaven after his death. The last philosopher I’m going to talk about is Karl Marx. Marx thought that that â€Å"Religion is a tool of oppression† meaning that Religion is something that you do not actually need but use to distract yourself from other things and something that someone just gets pleasure and happiness from. So he thought that everyone should just reject religion and this would make people aware of their own true situation and this may give them a chance to improve the conditions in which they live. Marx used quotes from the bible to back up quotes from the bible to back up his theory. â€Å"Blessed are the poor in spirit†¦ inherit the earth† Marx would argue that this quote is trying to say that it is not the rich and powerful who are most fortunate but actually the poor, as they will go to heaven because of all the suffering they have endured. He would say that the poor are often given quotes like this to make them content with their own miserable lives and that religion makes a virtue of poverty and meekness and unacceptable lives have been glamorised. Therefore I do not agree with Marx argument mainly because his theory may have been applicable at that time but it is not now, as people do not use religion just to have a distraction or something to comfort them when everything else is a mess. To conclude I think that although there are many different theories for whether God exists or not it is not actually possible to prove that God exists and that if you believe in God you should not just believe that he exists because of some theory but because you actually believe he exists and want to believe in him. Although it is probably not possible to prove whether God exists or not (unless he came down to earth and told everyone) the most convincing way would be to experience a miracle. Miracles can prove that God exists to a certain amount because most miracles would be far too big to be just a coincidence. Even though there are many stories about miracles in the news and in religious books such as the bible you cannot actually be sure until you experience one yourself. Miracles may not prove that God as people know him exists (Omnipotent, Omnibonevelant and Omniscient etc) but they do prove that there is an all powering/ supernatural being.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

ADR Clause for Learning Team Charter Essay

Our world is constantly moving, changing, evolving. We are all sorrowed by exceptional situations that impact our decisions. Those decisions will conduct to maybe bigger or smaller scenarios, but what is the right route to take? That is the real question. Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR) is any method of resolving disputes other than by litigation. Public courts may be asked to review the validity of ADR methods, but they will rarely overturn ADR decisions and awards if the disputing parties formed a valid contract to abide by them. The two major forms of ADR are arbitration and mediation; but we can also mention others such as settlement conferences, neutral evaluation. Throughout our work we will demonstrate and develop an ADR clause that will help to increase our knowledge in this topic. Various Forms of ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution can be defined as â€Å"any method of resolving disputes other than by litigation† (â€Å"Alternative Dispute Resolution†, 2007). ADRs include early neutral evaluation, negotiation, conciliation, mediation and arbitration. Early neutral evaluation (ENE) is a confidential method designed for fast resolution of cases. ENE is most commonly used when a party wants to resolve an issue fast, and is popular when minor disagreements occur. ENE is not a common type of ADR as it is generally used in cases that don’t require a lot of litigation. Generally, parties involved in ENE do not take the time to discuss their side of the argument, they just want the issue resolved quickly. A second form of ADR that is commonly used is negotiation. Negotiation is the give-and-take in a discussion or conference in an attempt to reach an agreement or settle a dispute. Negotiation is a great tactic to use to resolve a disagreement  because both parties a gree to settle their dispute with changes to appease both parties. One of the most popular choices of ADR in a learning team is arbitration. Arbitration occurs when each side decides on one arbitrator, the arbitrator then listens to both sides of the case and settles on one side. Arbitration is a popular choice in a learning team as the arbitrator is a third party that is not involved in the case. The arbitrator listens to both sides of the disagreement and chooses which party to side with. Another popular choice amongst learning teams is mediation. Mediation occurs when an outsider is brought in and attempts to work out a settlement or agreement between the two parties. The mediator plays a strong role in resolving disputes between two parties. The mediator brings outside information that can attempt to help both parties come to a resolution. Bringing in a third party can help to break things down to see both sides of the argument. Both team members can be heard and the mediator can assist in resolving the conflict. Bringing in an individual that is not part of the problem can help to clear things up for both parties. Learning Team Clause The Alternative Dispute Resolution Clause for ETH/321 Leaning Team A are that all participating in the learning team and abiding by the goals set by the Team Charter will seek to resolve any dispute that results due to following the accordance’s set by the Team Charter will follow through with procedures as noted as the sole purpose of dispute resolution among team members. The team members should first, make an attempt in all good faith to resolve any conflicts that arises between any team members personally while abiding to the agreed upon Team Charter as quickly and respectively as possible, and at least within 24 hours of an attempt to resolution between the team members is not reached, an attempt through negotiation with the team leader and the team members to reach a compromise between the parties will proceed. If anyone of the participating team members decide not to participate in the negotiation the reluctant party loses their position and the dispute is resolved. If through negotiation within 24 hours a resolution is not reached in the dispute, then the team members shall participate in a mediation with the team leader and the instructor. Should any member refuse to participate in the mediation that member’s action results in a lost position, and the dispute is then resolved. Mediation should not exceed one  day. The team leader through directives from the instructor will facilitate the mediation in an attempt to resolve the dispute. Throughout the mediation each team member will be able to state their position and provide any supporting information on their behalf. After each team member has presented their supporting information in regards to the dispute, the instructor will rule on the dispute with the team leader serving as facilitator and witness. The instructor’s ruling is final and shall result in resolution of the dispute. Provisions for ADR to Function Properly There will be certain provisions and information necessary to enable the ADR in our clause. When a dispute arises, you do not always want to just jump straight into using the ADR. There are certain situations where the ADR might not even be necessary. Before the ADR is used, the two parties in the dispute will attempt to negotiate the dispute between themselves. Then they should decide if they can settle the dispute on their own or if they need to proceed with mediation. When it has been decided that mediation is necessary, the two parties will then have to decide on a mediator. Once a mediator has been decided, there are some preparations you should take. Firstsmediation.com says that you should â€Å"create a case roadmap†. Basically, you want to use this time to figure out what the dispute really is and what your side of the issue is. Ask yourself what you intend to get out of the situation. It would be good to begin preparing what you would say and how you would handle the dispute with a mediator present. For every negative issue you come across, you should always attempt to find a positive resolution. Once you have all this information and you feel ready, then the mediation process can begin. Conclusion Mediation, as discussed by Learning Team A, is the best form of ADR to settle disputes in a learning team. The help from an outsider can help both sides of the disagreement to see what each party is saying, and the mediator can provide assistance in resolving the conflict. Learning teams come with struggles to overcome as we are all a diverse group of individuals. Disagreements will come about, and using mediation to resolve those disagreements will help the learning team to resolve issues quickly and efficiently. References First Mediation | Jeffrey Krivis | Mariam Zadeh  » Blog Archive  » 10 Steps In Preparing For a Mediation. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from http://www.firstmediation.com/resources/?p=23 Alternative Dispute Resolution. (2007). Retrieved from http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/alternative_dispute_resolution

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pasadena High Essay

Pasadena High Essay Pasadena High Essay Human life cannot be measured by how long one lives or the quality of life one led. Humanities legacy is assessed by ones moral, cultural, and spiritual beliefs. To the study of cultures society can investigate the myriad ways of being brought into Essence by human mind. By examining endangered cultures, society is able to observe individual belief, progress, corruption, political dominance, and even the effects of global globalization. In the end society is trying to gauge the morals of working towards the greater good dinner and that is done through answering the old question, what is one life worth? Now the debate at hand is what is one life worth? To truly understand this question every human needs to look at their own beliefs and determine if man was born with natural born rights. Instead of working towards an unbiased humanity where cultural diversity is present, humanity should be working towards progressing in the field of cultural tolerance. The way this can be accomplished is through education. Teaching humans the ways of others demonstrates similarities of mankind which humanity as a whole tends to overlook. As humans we all share the same cognitive abilities so it is no surprise that we all dance, sing, and express ourselves. It is the rhythm of the dance, and the tune of the song that set cultures apart. Until people learn that there is absolutely no right way of living there will always be corruption. But through universal education, humans can

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Assassination of Beatles Legend John Lennon

The Assassination of Beatles Legend John Lennon John Lennon - a founding member of the Beatles, and one of the most beloved and famous music legends of all time - died on December 8, 1980, after being shot four times by a crazed fan in the carriageway of his New York City apartment building. Many of the events that led to his tragic and untimely death remain unclear and decades after his murder, people still struggle to understand what motivated his killer, 25-year-old Mark David Chapman, to pull the trigger on that fateful night.   Lennon in the 1970s The Beatles were arguably the most successful and influential group of the 1960s, perhaps of all time. Nevertheless, after spending a decade at the top of the charts, producing hit after hit, the band called it quits in 1970, and all four of its members – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr moved on to launch solo careers. Throughout the early ‘70s, Lennon recorded several albums and produced hits like the instant classic Imagine. He had moved permanently to New York City with his wife Yoko Ono and taken up residence at the Dakota, a fancy, old apartment building located at the northwest corner of 72nd Street and Central Park West. The Dakota was known for housing many celebrities. By the mid-1970s, however, Lennon had given up music. And though he claimed he did so to become a stay-at-home dad to his newborn son, Sean, many of his fans, as well as the media, speculated the singer might have sunk into a creative slump. Several articles published during this period painted the former Beatle as a recluse and a has-been, who seemed more interested in managing his millions and holing up in his decadent New York apartment than in writing songs. One of these articles, published in Esquire in 1980, would prompt a pudgy, disturbed young man from Hawaii, to travel to New York City and commit murder. Mark David Chapman: From Drugs to Jesus Mark David Chapman was born in Fort Worth, Texas on May 10, 1955, but lived in Decatur, Georgia from the age of seven. Mark’s dad, David Chapman, was in the Air Force, and his mom, Diane Chapman, was a nurse. A sister was born seven years after Mark. From the outside, the Chapmans looked like a typical American family; however, inside, there was trouble. Mark’s dad, David, was an emotionally distant man, not showing his emotions even to his son.   Worse, David would often hit Diane. Mark could often hear his mom screaming, but was unable to stop his dad.   In school, Mark, who was a bit pudgy and not good at sports, was picked on and called names. All these feelings of helplessness led to Mark having strange fantasies, starting very early on in his childhood. By the age of 10, he was imagining and interacting with an entire civilization of tiny people he believed lived inside the walls of his bedroom. He would have imaginary interactions with these little people and later came to see them as his subjects and himself as their king. This fantasy continued until Chapman was 25, the same year he gunned down John Lennon. Chapman managed to keep such strange tendencies to himself, however, and seemed like a normal youngster to those who knew him. Like many who grew up in the 1960s, Chapman was swept up in the spirit of the times and by age 14, was even using heavy drugs like LSD on a regular basis. At age 17, however, Chapman suddenly proclaimed himself a born-again Christian. He renounced drugs and the hippie lifestyle and began attending prayer meetings and going to religious retreats.   Many of his friends at the time claimed the change came so suddenly they saw it as a type of personality split.    Soon after, Chapman became a counselor at the YMCA- a job he relished with fervent devotion- and would remain there into his twenties. He was highly popular with the kids in his care; he dreamed of becoming a YMCA director and working abroad as a Christian missionary. Problems Despite his successes, Chapman was undisciplined and lacking in ambition. He briefly attended community college in Decatur but soon dropped out due to the pressures of academic work. He subsequently traveled to Beirut, Lebanon as a YMCA counselor, only to be forced to leave when war broke out in that country. And after a brief stint at a camp for Vietnamese refugees in Arkansas, Chapman decided to give school another try. In 1976, Chapman enrolled at a religious college under the encouragement of his girlfriend, Jessica Blankenship, who was very devout and whom he had known since the second grade. However, he lasted only one semester before dropping out once more. Chapman’s failures at school caused his personality to undergo yet another drastic change. He began to question his purpose in life and his devotion to his faith.   His changing moods also put a strain on his relationship with Jessica  and they broke up soon after. Chapman became increasingly despondent about these events in his life. He saw himself as a failure at everything he tried and frequently spoke of suicide. His friends were concerned for him, but could never have anticipated what this shift in Chapman’s temperament portended. Down a Dark Path Chapman was looking for a change and at the encouragement of his friend Dana Reeves- an aspiring policeman- decided to take shooting lessons and obtain a license to carry firearms. Soon after, Reeves managed to find Chapman a job as a security guard. But Chapman’s dark moods continued. He decided he needed to change his surroundings and moved to Hawaii in 1977, where he did attempt suicide but failed, ending up at a psychiatric facility. After two weeks as an outpatient there, he obtained a job in the hospital’s print shop and even volunteered on occasion in the psych ward. On a whim, Chapman decided to take a trip around the world. He fell in love with Gloria Abe, the travel agent who helped book his round-the-world trip. The two frequently corresponded through letters and upon returning to Hawaii, Chapman asked Abe to become his wife. The couple married in the summer of 1979. Although Chapman’s life seemed to be improving, his downward spiral continued and his increasingly erratic behavior concerned his new wife. Abe claimed Chapman began drinking heavily, was abusive towards her and would frequently make threatening phone calls to complete strangers. His temper was short and he was prone to violent outbursts and would engage in screaming matches with his coworkers. Abe also noticed Chapman became increasingly obsessed with JD Salinger’s seminal 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye. The Catcher in the Rye It is unclear when exactly Chapman discovered Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, but one thing is for certain, by the late ‘70s it was beginning to have a profound effect on him. He identified deeply with the book’s protagonist, Holden Caulfield, an adolescent who railed against the seeming phoniness of the adults around him. In the book, Caulfield identified with children and saw himself as their savior from adulthood. Chapman came to see himself as a real-life Holden Caulfield. He even told his wife he wanted to change his name to Holden Caulfield and would rage about the phoniness of people and of celebrities in particular. Hatred of John Lennon In October of 1980, Esquire magazine published a profile on John Lennon, which portrayed the former Beatle as a drug-addled millionaire recluse who had lost touch with his fans and his music. Chapman read the article with increasing anger and came to see Lennon as the ultimate hypocrite and a â€Å"phony† of the very type described in Salinger’s novel. He began reading everything he could about John Lennon, even making tapes of Beatles’ songs, which he would play over and over for his wife, changing the tapes’ speed and direction. He would listen to them while sitting nude in the dark, chanting, â€Å"John Lennon, I’m going to kill you, you phony bastard!† When Chapman discovered Lennon was planning to release a new album- his first in five years- his mind was made up. He would fly to New York City and shoot the singer. Preparing for the Assassination Chapman quit his job and bought a .38-caliber revolver from a gun shop in Honolulu. He then bought a one-way ticket to New York, told his wife goodbye, and departed, arriving in New York City on October 30, 1980. Chapman checked into the Waldorf Astoria, the same hotel Holden Caulfield stayed at in The Catcher in the Rye, and set about seeing some sights. He frequently stopped at the Dakota to ask the doormen there about John Lennon’s whereabouts, without luck. The employees at the Dakota were used to fans asking such questions and generally refused to divulge any information about the various celebrities who resided in the building. Chapman had brought his revolver to New York but figured he would buy bullets once he arrived. He now learned only residents of the city could legally purchase bullets there. Chapman thus flew down to his former home in Georgia for the weekend, where his old buddy Dana Reeves- by now a sheriff’s deputy- could help him procure what he needed.    Chapman told Reeves he had been staying in New York, was concerned for his safety, and needed five hollow-nosed bullets, known for causing immense damage to their target. Now armed with gun and bullets, Chapman returned to New York; however, after all this time, Chapman’s resolve had diminished. He later claimed that he had a type of religious experience that convinced him what he was planning was wrong. He called his wife and told her, for the first time, what he had planned to do. Gloria Abe was frightened by Chapman’s confession. However, she did not call the police but simply implored her husband to return home to Hawaii. He did so on Nov. 12. Chapman’s change of heart did not last long. His strange behavior continued and on Dec. 5, 1980, he once again departed for New York. This time, he would not be back. Second Trip to New York Upon his second trip to New York, Chapman checked into a local YMCA, because it was cheaper than a regular hotel room. However, he was not comfortable there and checked into the Sheraton Hotel on December 7. He made daily trips to the Dakota building, where he befriended several other John Lennon fans, as well as the building’s doorman, Jose Perdomo, whom he would pepper with questions about Lennon’s whereabouts. At the Dakota, Chapman also befriended an amateur photographer from New Jersey named Paul Goresh, who was a regular at the building and well known to the Lennons. Goresh chatted with Chapman and would later comment how little Chapman seemed to know about John Lennon and the Beatles, considering he had claimed to be such an avid fan. Chapman would visit the Dakota regularly over the next two days, hoping each time to run into Lennon and commit his crime. Dec. 8, 1980 On the morning of Dec. 8, Chapman dressed warmly. Before leaving his room he carefully arranged some of his most treasured belongings on a table. Among these items was a copy of the New Testament in which he had written the name â€Å"Holden Caulfield† as well as the name â€Å"Lennon† after the words â€Å"Gospel According to John.†Ã‚   He arranged the items for maximum effect, expecting the police to come looking through his room after his arrest. After leaving the hotel, he bought a fresh copy of The Catcher in the Rye and wrote the words â€Å"This is my statement† on its title page. Chapman’s plan had been to say nothing to police after the shooting, but to simply hand them a copy of the book by way of explaining his actions. Carrying the book and a copy of Lennon’s latest album Double Fantasy, Chapman then made his way to the Dakota where he stood chatting with Paul Goresh. At one point, a Lennon associate, Helen Seaman, arrived with Lennon’s five-year-old son Sean in tow. Goresh introduced Chapman to them as a fan who had come all the way from Hawaii. Chapman seemed elated and gushed about how cute the boy was. John Lennon, meanwhile, was having a busy day inside the Dakota. After posing with Yoko Ono for famous photographer Annie Leibovitz, Lennon got a haircut and gave his last ever interview, which was to Dave Sholin, a DJ from San Francisco. By 5 p.m. Lennon realized he was running late and needed to get over to the recording studio. Sholin offered the Lennons a ride in his limo since their own car had not yet arrived. Upon exiting the Dakota, Lennon was met by Paul Goresh, who introduced him to Chapman. Chapman handed over his copy of Double Fantasy for Lennon to sign. The star took the album, scribbled his signature, and handed it back.   The moment was captured by Paul Goresh and the resulting photograph- one of the last ever taken of John Lennon- shows a profile of the Beatle as he signs Chapman’s album, with the killer’s shadowy, deadpan face looming in the background. With that, Lennon entered the limo and headed for the studio. It is unclear why Chapman did not take that opportunity to kill John Lennon. He later recalled he was waging an inner battle. However, his obsession with killing Lennon did not abate. Shooting John Lennon Despite Chapman’s inner misgivings, the urge to shoot the singer was too overwhelming.   Chapman remained at the Dakota well after Lennon and most of the fans had left, waiting for the Beatle to return.    The limo carrying Lennon and Yoko Ono arrived back at the Dakota around 10:50 p.m. Yoko exited the vehicle first, followed by John. Chapman greeted Ono with a simple â€Å"Hello† as she passed. As Lennon passed him, Chapman heard a voice inside his head urging him on: â€Å"Do it! Do it! Do it!† Chapman stepped into the carriageway of the Dakota, dropped to his knees, and fired two shots into John Lennon’s back. Lennon reeled. Chapman then pulled the trigger three more times. Two of those bullets landed in Lennon’s shoulder. The third went astray. Lennon managed to run into the Dakota’s lobby and clamber up the few steps leading to the building’s office, where he finally collapsed. Yoko Ono followed Lennon inside, screaming he’d been shot. The Dakota’s night man thought it was all a joke until he saw the blood pouring from Lennon’s mouth and chest. The night man promptly called 911 and covered Lennon with his uniform jacket. John Lennon Dies When the police arrived, they found Chapman sitting beneath the gate’s lantern calmly reading Catcher in the Rye. The killer made no attempt to escape and repeatedly apologized to the officers for the trouble he had caused. They promptly handcuffed Chapman and placed him in a nearby patrol car. The officers did not know the victim was the famous John Lennon. They simply determined his wounds were too serious to wait for an ambulance. They placed Lennon in the backseat of one of their patrol cars and drove him to the emergency room at Roosevelt Hospital. Lennon was still alive but barely able to respond to the officers’ questions. The hospital was made aware of Lennon’s arrival and had a trauma team at the ready. They worked diligently to save Lennon’s life, but to no avail. Two of the bullets had pierced his lungs, while a third had hit his shoulder and then ricocheted inside his chest where it had damaged the aorta and cut his windpipe. John Lennon died at 11:07 pm on the night of December 8, due to massive internal hemorrhaging. Aftermath The news of Lennon’s death broke during ABC’s televised Monday night football game when sportscaster Howard Cosell announced the tragedy in the middle of a play. Soon after, fans from all over the city arrived at the Dakota, where they held vigil for the slain singer. As the news spread around the world, the public was shocked. It seemed a brutal, bloody end to the ‘60s. Mark David Chapman’s trial was short, as he had pled guilty to second-degree murder, claiming God had told him to do so.  When asked at his sentencing if he wanted to make a final statement, Chapman stood up and read a passage from Catcher in the Rye. The judge sentenced him to 20-years-to-life and Chapman remains imprisoned to this day, having lost several appeals for his parole.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

SERVICES MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SERVICES MARKETING - Essay Example At this time also, they have incorporated the business, and gave the store a name. They decided on the bee as it symbolizes a busy creature and added jolly because owner said they are always happy people. So the name Jollibee was born. The owner of the company, Mr. Tony Tan Caktiong, always believed in giving added value to their customers. He wanted to satisfy the customers always, so in serving ice cream, he saw to it that it was served in big bowls and that it should be overflowing with ice cream. Jollibee has been considered by the Far Eastern Review in 2003 as the Best Company in the Philippines. It has reached the system wide sales of P28.8 billion and a net income rising to 20.8 percent in 2003. Jollibee remained settled and was not threatened with the coming of MacDonalds in 1982. MacDonalds is known in the US, and it is an entirely new concept in the Philippines. The burger houses that they established were big and attractive. The introduction of new products and recipes were simple in the beginning. The members of the family just sat down and discuss. The Caktiong family members are good cooks, their father was a chef and their mother was a good cook. The spaghetti is a recipe of Tony’ s sister who experimented on it, and then started serving the dish on the store. The fried chicken recipe was likewise an experiment of mix that the family tried. There was no formal structure and yet customers came in with their families to line up in the store, whether it is for a sit-down or take out food. Filipinos have an inherent love for sweet tasting good food. According to Mr. Caktiong, a lot of their consultants were amazed with the sweet side food preference of Filipinos. Aside from taste, Filipinos are attracted to the smell of food. Filipinos believed that if it smells good – it will taste good. Jollibee today. The set up is different today, as